Freud was right. When a child is born, the Id is the most dominant. That Id is a trait that remains dominant in other animals even to old age. Human beings are trained to suppress their Id thus we are controlled by ego or super ego depending on your level of training. We are considered educated when we become tolerant, patient, and considerate of others’ place in life.
Unfortunately, when we get angry and fall back to the default mode, we are considered mad, gone barsak or beastly in action. Meaning we are animals with suppressed original instincts. And more often than not, we find ourselves real and not pretenders.
To be humane is taught. We are inhuman by nature. Without the fear of law and consequences borne out of stringent rules, actions like killing and even cannibalism would be the norm. More often than not, we commit atrocities in our minds that the leopard would actually execute in the jungle and get away with.

Man is fighting its own population through pills and condoms, vasectomy and tubal ligation. These means nothing to the wildebeest who work so hard to increase their population.
Not because the lion and the crocodiles threaten their survival, its just normal. That man goes to school, the monkeys don’t care. That man is building roads and highways, the antelope careless. That man want to live in palaces, the lion is king but doesn’t consider himself one or worthy of a the gold tunnels.
Man is so animalistic in nature that if he doesn’t shave for days, he becomes as bushy as a cat.
Man is preoccupied with life after death. All that man does is posthumous. He sometimes suspend the life of the moment hoping to recover in the next life which is so full of uncertainty but belief. Elephants die and rot anywhere while man is seeking for a befitting burial.
Look here human animal, live your life. Nature will fill the devoid.
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