The Sound of Silence.
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Background Photo: Beautiful Nakuru Town from Nairobi Wire |
The real transformation of a society will come only in love, in work and in stillness.
- Gustav Laundauer
there has been so much talk about finding inner peace and joy. How, then, can
this be achieved? One of the requirements for authentic peace and joy is inner
stillness. If someone told you that it’s possible to be silent in your mind,
you will brush them off because we have been used to so much noise in our
everyday life that we can’t be still. We can’t imagine our minds in total
silence; yet learning to be still, wielding stillness, is among the greatest
arts of living.- Gustav Laundauer
is the most important and difficult of disciplines.
are, daily, bombarded with images and sounds that stimulate our minds left,
right and center. These images animate us and keep us thinking over and over,
and over again. A walk outside and you are exposed to very many billboards that
remind you to keep thinking about stuff. It’s always a competition for your
attention. You think about stuff that doesn’t even concern you, you think all
the time, even when you don’t want to. Our inner world is polluted with thought
noise which is reflected in our outside world. The only time we stop thinking
is when we are asleep. Sleep compels us to the crucial silence that life needs.
When we are awake, the excessive noise silences life’s sublets and its most
beautiful signals, like our own breathing, because we don’t know how to tune
into our inner realms of silence.
I started meditation, I recommended silence to myself like a drug. 1x3 Doses of
Silence. I intended to be silent three times in a day, just for five minutes.
And so, I decided that it would be before each main meal I were to take.
I tried it, there was a nauseating feeling in my stomach, followed by a strong
urge to throw up. I wanted to puke, really bad. My chest felt like it wanted to
collapse. Everything felt strange, all of a sudden, and my body felt like I was
in a strange place that I had never been to before. In those five minutes of
meditation, all I could hear was my own thoughts over and over again and not
of the time you are the thinker, the one who thinks. Taking the position of
silence means you watch yourself think, you watch your thoughts as they happen
in the background of silence. When you separate yourself and watch from the
position of silence, you see things quite differently. Back then, leaving this
realm of mental noise, by focusing on the silence in my mind, felt like I was
losing my identity.
have invested our whole lives identifying with our mental patterns and our
bodies. When you start asking yourself who you are, you realize that you are
not the body or the mind but something beyond that.
everyday activities reflect how much we have been used to noise. It has
penetrated our lives in such a way that we can’t keep still. Our designs of
silence are in the absence of everything that produces noise. Bereft of the
noise that is common in our lives, a fear lurks. There is something unsettling
when we imagine our lives without that person/thing/object/profession/etc., which
keeps us busy with noise.
we are wrong and our fears baseless; silence is not the absence of sound but
the presence of an inward-listening awareness, an attunement of the mind’s ears
and an orientation of the spirit towards
a certain inner stillness. We don’t
have to go into the Amazon forest to experience silence; we can do it in our
everyday life. This is possible if we learn to pay attention to the silence in
the background of everything we do and the thoughts in our minds.
happens in the background of silence. If there wasn’t a silent dimension in our
minds, we wouldn’t hear ourselves think. The only background for noise is
silence. And it’s this awareness of silence that we should be aware of. It
helps us enlarge our view of life and its goodness.
the beginning, God must have created sound first out of the silence that He was
in because the vast space is nothing but silence.
singers have a ritual that before they hit the stage to perform, they must be
in a state of the most absolute condition of silence. This silence acts as a
guide through their interior.
you are deeply rooted in your inner silence, you learn how to communicate
without words. You start to sense the sound of your own breath, the movement of
your muscles and your thoughts. And in so doing, taking time to be quite and
meditate, the sound of the buzzing life becomes a joy.
in tune with your silence.
The Sound of Silence.
By Mystic Venus
Silence reinvigorates